When I was growing up, my parents often invented elaborate April Fools Day jokes to play on each other...the best one, in my opinion, was one my Mom sprang on my Dad in 1965...Here's the way it went down, to my best recollection:
Back in those days, men would go to the barbershop every week to have a trim..my Dad's night to go was Thursday night...April First just happened to fall on Thursday that year...so...Mom and Sis and I headed out towards downtown and waited in the parking lot across the street from the barbershop.
We watched Dad arrive and head into the barbershop, with his little Renault car parked RIGHT IN FRONT of the barbershop...Mom executed step one of the joke by walking across the street, getting into the car, starting it up and driving it around the corner into the parking lot on the side of the barbershop - unnoticed by Dad and the barber. She then came back to the other car and there we sat waiting for Dad to be done with his trim.
A few minutes later, Dad comes out....The look on his face was priceless...he looked a the spot the car was 'supposed' to be and then up the street, down the street a couple of times...he ran in and got the barber and there ensued a series of wild gesticulations on the part of the two gentlemen...
Mom decided it was time to complete part two of the joke...she started driving towards the barbershop...Dad said he exclaimed to the barber 'Oh thank goodness, there's my wife, she can drive me to the police station (which was only a block or two up the street, mind you - this was a rather small town) so I can report my car being stolen."
He came up to the car and was explaining the situation to Mom and it was not until he happened to glance into the back seat where my Sis and I were desperately trying not to bust up laughing, that he realized what day it was and that he had been HAD! He swore he was going to tie a string to the steering wheel after that...