Its been a busy month..and I am SOOOOO ready for my week in Arizona!

A dove in the Arizona desert
Stuff for Show and Tell:
A Hug from Chris..quilt was made from bright wedges that I got last retreat from Chris's stash..(Chris was one of the Arizona Retreat's Hostesses..she passed away from pancreatic cancer just before last year's retreat...)

Will also be showing
Heart's Garden and the table runner I made using Aurora.
Stuff I am going to work on:
Finishing the stitching except for the label ** on
Heart's has the borders on it and I need to hand stitch the joining strips needs the binding cut and applied..and hand stitched as well..that will be my major project.
I am also taking Alis (the 99..I keep thinking maybe I should rename her to Agent 99, yanno like Barbara Feldon from Get Smart)...and am going to do her 'motorectomy'...and turn her into a hand-crank machine. Hopefully that won't take a bunch of time..
I also have both of my projects from the classes at Road to finish off..almost done with the Happy Village - just a wee bit more FMQ and it will be done..
And I have a couple of other projects I can work on..a pillowcase kit..a table topper using the wedge ruler from Phillips Fiber Art that I got for wee Hexie basket:
And..the OctiHoops..practice, practice!!
** I still don't have a printer to print the label with..the Epson I was using broke..they didn't have the replacement one I wanted at Fry's when we went shopping, so I have
to wait for it to come in...