Gran Jam is a jam jar...with granny glasses and a gingham hat...
"Gran Jam watches over all of Shopville. She spreads love and slathers affection on the Shopkins, sweetening their lives with her kind words."
I could not find a Gran Jam in the made one! Drafted the pattern one day at lunch. She is made of two different green fleece materials, purple gingham and a white felt face with pink felt glasses..I think she turned out pretty cute!
I even made a tag...
I had DGD sew the arms on..which lead to more sewing and crafting...
She wanted me to make a blue bird with red wings...
while she finished off a beaded necklace
and a landscape
She learned a whole bunch of new skills - threading a self threading needle (the ones with just an eye will come later), how to knot off when done with stitching, how to sew on a button, how to do a running stitch and the applique stitch (not very invisible..but hey...gotta start somewhere!) She did everything on the landscape except the initial knots on the thread..