Saturday, April 28, 2007
But Wait..There May Be Hope For The Raccoons Yet..

The Demise of the Second Annual Great Raccoon Release
The new dryer belt did not get here until today and DH is working today, so I tried out the new line that I strung up between the two swing sets... unfortunately, the swing sets are not really heavy enough for laundry so I had to improvise and find some concrete blocks to weight the seats down enough to keep the lines from pulling the swing sets over.... was putting out the third load of the day an hour ago - it's very hot here today - 95 and very low humidity... stuff was not taking very long to dry - I pinned the sheets up first and by the time I had the towels on the line, the sheets were bone dry (that's faster than the dryer!)... I happened to glance over towards the neighbors and AGGGGHHH... there were billows of smoke rising up and then I heard the sirens and the helicopters...the riverbed, 2 miles from me, is on fire!
I had a load of recycling to take down to the recycle center by the grocery store - I had already loaded the bags in the car - so I went to checked out where the fire is burning (after getting the important papers box and the the cat carrier and putting them by the front door, just in case, yanno) and...dagnabit..it's just where we wanted to release the coons...
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Laundry Update

Meanwhile, til the repair is effected, I hauled out my old wooden drying rack (In my panic last weekend, I did not remember I had it!)

Monday, April 16, 2007
Sideways, Just A Little Bit...

Sunday, April 15, 2007
Only One More Round!

Then it just needs a bit of quilting and maybe a few beads...
It was a good day for hand stitching - it was cold and grey out (no rain, just clouds, though we need it desperately)...so I made a nice pot of tomato beef soup and stitched away in my rocking chair between loads of laundry.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
25 Questions Meme
Someplace green.
2. What's your favorite article of clothing?
My Fair Isles sweater. It's getting a bit raggy since I wear it all the time...I need to find another one.
3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex?
4. What's the last CD that you bought?
DH buys the CDs...the last one I remember buying was several Christmases ago - one of the Mannheim Steamroller albums.
5. Where's your favorite place to be?
Someplace green.
6. Where is your least favorite place to be?
Sitting in a car in rush hour traffic.
7. What's your favorite place to be massaged?
Anywhere works for me.
8. Strong in mind or strong in body?
9. What time do you wake up in the morning?
Whenever the #(*&%# alarm clock rings or 6-8 hours after I went to sleep, which ever comes first.
10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
11. What makes you really angry?
Hypocrisy. Massively invasive "Political Correctness".
12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be?
13. Favorite color?
Green... (you see a theme going here??)
14. Which do you prefer...sports car or SUV?
Neither. I'm a compact car gal.
15. Do you believe in an afterlife?
16. Favorite children's book?
Have too many favorites! I read all the time as a child. Still do.
17. What is your favorite season?
Spring when it's green or Fall when the leaves turn colors.
18. Your least favorite household chore?
It's hard to pick just one...they all are least favorites - but if I have to pick just one...cleaning out the litter boxes.
19. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
The ability to make everyone get along.
20. If you have a tattoo, what is it?
I have a temporary tat that says "Born to Quilt" that I have not had the guts to put on my skin yet. Can't see me voluntarily getting a tattoo.
21. Can you juggle?
Only one ball. Any more and I get confused. I can juggle lots of tasks at work at once though.
22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to?
My grandmother.
23. What's your favorite day?
Depends on what I am doing that day!
24. What's in the trunk of your car?
Junk...lots 'o junk...
25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger?
Neither...give me a good piece of Prime Rib any day...
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wednesday WIP

Have to mark and cut out the 80 little triangles for the border next...I am thinking I will probably do them in batches so I can get started.
It's still (mostly) fitting on the scanner bed, but the next pass will not fit.
I need a good name for this piece so it fits in with my circle theme...so far one is eluding me...
Monday, April 09, 2007
More Seven Sisters Progress
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Seven Sisters Progress

First I completed all the stars, then sewed the white pieces around the center star, then was able to sew the rest of the stars and white pieces in one fell swoop around the center...only took two needles worth of thread too, since this is pretty small (The picture is a scan - it still fits on the scanner bed).
I still have the rest of the center to complete (it has to have white pieces around all the edges) and the diamond border which has oodles of tiny pieces...and which will turn it into a circle.
I am enjoying it though.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
April Foolishness

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Wednesday WIP

I started working on these at the car repair shop last Saturday - I had to do my bi-annual 'smog certificate' and I knew the car was going to need some work so I got there when they opened at 8am, hoping that they would be able to fix whatever needed fixing, and get the results to the state so I could get my car re-registered, all in one day. The car did indeed have to get a bunch of stuff done - they had to change the check-engine light bulb which meant they had had to take the dash apart and then there was some fancy-smancy part that only comes in an assembly costing 180 bucks(!) that needed to be replaced...but..it got done and whilst I was waiting, I ensconced myself in the waiting room with my Seven Sisters stuff...I only had the scraps picked out and put into baggies...so I marked and trimmed and stitched and got lots of comments (interestingly, mostly from the guys, though there were a few ladies that brought vehicles in to be serviced). The service guys were cute about coming into the waiting room to keep me informed of the progress (the rest of them had to go up to the counter to talk with them) so I did not have to get up and mess up my sewing setup..And by 1pm they were done, I had 5 stars completed and I was headed over to the AAA to get my car tag. I just need two more stars, the joining diamonds and the circle of diamonds around the outside border.
On Sunday, I took a class with my friends (most of them are quilters, one is a rabid knitter and only tolerates quilting because the rest of us are quilters!) on 'Color Theory For The Fiber Artist'. This was a very interesting class on why some colors make quilts look blah and why some make them pop. Part of the class was the teacher giving the groups assignments on what colors or color schemes to find and we went out into the store and pulled bolts of fabric that matched the assignment using our handy dandy 3-in-1 Color Tools ....wow, that was exhausting! Sometimes we just had to 'make do' because that color wasn't IN the store (at least that we could find!). I came away with a new appreciation of color.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
What to DO with braids...
The one I am currently doing will probably end up long enough for a bracelet - since it is my learning piece, it really does not have to have a purpose, but I will find some way to use it. The round braids could make bracelets, necklaces, badge holders, shoelaces, key chain fobs, scissor fobs, napkin rings...the flat ones could be bookmarks, curtain ties, headbands, guitar straps - anything you would use a ribbon for could be replaced with a flat braid...You could braid around a core and make jump-ropes, or plant hangers...
I am sure there are hundreds of ways to use braids...of course I probably will find some way to incorporate braids into my crazy quilting...I am thinking of trying one with embroidery floss to get a really thin braid...
The Ultimate Gift
"When his wealthy grandfather dies, trust fund baby Jason Stevens anticipates a big inheritance. Instead, his grandfather has devised a crash course on life with twelve tasks – or “gifts” – designed to challenge Jason in improbable ways, sending him on a journey of self-discovery and forcing him to determine what is most important in life: money or happiness."
The cast includes Abigail Breslin - the young lady nominated for an Academy Award for 'Little Miss Sunshine' - terrific! Other cast members are James Garner, Bill Combs, Brian Dennehy, Lee Merriweather, Ali Hillis and Drew Fuller...all excellent choices for the parts.
But...if you go, take a box of tissues - one just won't do! It's at least a 5 hanky tear-jerker.
(o jeeze..I just went and looked at the movie trailer again and I have to find another hanky...)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Wednesday WIP - Kumihimo

At the bottom of the braid, a fishing weight is hung to keep the tension right as the threads are coming thru the hole. I think the setup looks like a jellyfish!

By varying the order of which thread gets moved, you can produce a bunch of patterns.
Want to try it? There are some instructions here that are reasonable - she is showing using only eight strings where the one I have in the picture has sixteen. I want to try with eight and see if its a more bendable braid - the one with sixteen is quite stiff!
Also, if you want a longer braid, you have to plan ahead and wrap the excess length of ribbons/threads on bobbins (the embroidery thread kind) or tama (which look like spools).
There was also a hexagon shaped loom that uses only 5 threads but creates a cool looking shoelace! One of my friends got that one and I will see if I can borrow it sometime to try a pair of shoelaces.
The lady also had some really BIG looms made of wood called marudai that she was using to braid beaded strands into necklaces...same kind of philosophy on the hand movements but no handy notches to put the strands into, so you have to be really concentrated when you are working with that loom!
Also, you can make flat braids - the one I am showing is a round braid (kongo gumi) but here are some cool looking flat braids - I want to try that too but its a little different in how you set up the loom.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Wednesday WIP
DS has learned to change diapers, swaddle baby and give a spit-bath. Miss Lily is amazingly calm except for diaper changes and bath time...Kid has an impressive set of lungs when disturbed!

I am scheduled to go to a craft show this weekend...I am looking for a couple of things - a wooden seam roller and I want to check out the lighted knitting needles and crochet hooks - those sound like a gas to have.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Lily's Pad
Fast forward two weeks to the Arizona Retreat. While on our shop hop, I saw some Minkee but not the bright green that I wanted. I DID however find THE MOST PERFECT backing fabric at one of the stores - green frogs on lilypads and I snapped that up. A piece of bright pink fleece was one of the fabrics on the sale table...that went home with me too. Once I got home, I had to hunt for the bright green Minkee...a lot of places had the mint green which is too light..but finally the bright green was located and purchased!
So...here is Lily's Pad:

Front is green Minkee. The lily is made of fleece. Its bound with spring green satin blanket binding. Quilted with varigated green thread.
And the back with the cute frogs on the lilypads:

And of course...Grammie must make other things for Baby too:

The pink stuffed toy is known as a 'Friend' (my DS was the one to name them when he was about 4). I whipped up a set of Bitty Booties using the pattern from HELLOMyNameIsHeather , a couple of white flannel bibs on which I used my 'fancy feather stitching' built into my machine for the very first time, and a stack of burpers made with flannel and fleece... I also got her a 'Boppy' pillow - which is a really cool invention - it's a horseshoe-shaped pillow that goes around Mamma's waist and helps support Baby while feeding, helps sit Baby up and can be used for 'tummy time' on a play mat...just a perfect use for the lilypad quilt!
So...I have been slaving over a hot sewing machine!
The baby shower was today (which is why I can post this now that DDIL has received the items!) We played a couple of games - the first had us totally grossed out - DDIL's sister had gotten 9 different candy bars and squished them into baby diapers and I think heated them a bit to melt the chocolate...and we had to guess which ones were which by LOOKING at them...eeewwwwwwwie...I did not do too well on this as I don't eat many candy bars and haven't for 20 years (most candy bars have corn syrup in them and being allergic to corn syrup puts the kibosh on eating them...). The other game was to guesstimate how big around DDIL's tummy is by cutting a piece of yarn the size that would fit around her. Mine was way off..DS was closer, but her Mom was right on!
It was quite amazing to see the amount of teeny clothes and other stuff this baby has now accumulated! She will not lack for binkys - I think she got at least 10 - one of which has a thermometer in it! I hope she will be able to even wear all the cute little outfits!
Lily's Pad was a big hit! The only thing Baby did not get was a tiny sweater...(I feel another project coming on)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Lent? It's a Piece o' Cake...
I asked my DH what he was giving up for Lent...he said 'Boiled frog legs'...I said 'You've never even tasted frog legs much less eaten boiled frog legs!'...He said 'That's why it will be easy to give them up for Lent'...Gotta love that logic!
Not Your Mama's AJAX
The other thing I have been doing is having a blast at work. I have mentioned it a couple of times, but for anyone that hasn't read all the history posts, my day job is web application design/programming. For the last couple of days I have been learning a new-to-me tool: AJAX (and no...it isn't a powder in a can!)...and once I 'got' what the sample was doing, it's turning out to be really fun and useful. I do a demo tomorrow morning and I think my customer is going to have her sox knocked off!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Arizona Retreat went exceptionally well! We had SOOOO much fun. Lots of laughter, lots of sewing, lots of inspiration from the other quilters...and many memories!
Here is my Challenge piece - it did not win any prizes, but WAS the only one that was made entirely from the challenge fabric!

Here we are in the retreat room during my ribbon embroidery class. I had seven students...and it was so cool to hear the squeals of delight when they 'got it'!

And..here I am during my 'Show and Tell', demonstrating my lovely tiara (doing a 'princess wave') and wearing my new ribbon embroidered vest. That's my retreat spot there in the left side of the picture and behind me are the pressing stations.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Wednesday WIP

I made a smaller sample of the ribbon embroidery with just a couple of the stitches. The craft club at work wants to do the ribbon embroidery but they only have 45 minutes during a lunch to do the craft so they asked for a much simplified version. I will probably do something really similar for the demo at the retreat, only I will be doing colonial knots and the french knot rose as well as the spiderweb rose, lazy daisy and stem stitching.
Heading out tomorrow am for the retreat...see y'all later!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Ribbon Embroidery Sample

Here's what the silk ribbon embroidery class is going to work on. This can be turned into a needle-case or a cell phone caddy.
In a few minutes I will have all the kits made up - I kinda goofed on the number...I have 7 ladies that want a kit, I made 8 sets of ribbons, used 1 to make the sample...so I am going to have to use the stuff I have left over from the vest for doing the demo of the stitches...oh well...best laid plans of mice and men and all that!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
What I 'Cooked Up' Tonight

Silk ribbons, dyed with Tsukineko ink, and partially heat set by drying in the microwave . To finish the dye process, I need to iron them to set the ink and make it permanent.
I am giving a little demo on silk ribbon embroidery at the Arizona Retreat and some of the ladies wanted to play along, so I am making up little kits with ribbons and needles.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Wednesday Progress
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
More Road Show and WIPS
My class on Saturday was 'Garden of Eden' with Laura Wasilowski. Her style is similar to Melody's in that it uses fused hand-dyes, but the result is a little different. She is funny too like Melody - I wish I could have gone to the "Chicago School of Fusing' Luncheon...the ladies that went said it was very very funny!

I also attended a lecture by Gabrielle Swain on Creativity...I enjoyed listening to her very much! One of my girlfriends took Gabrielle's Leaf class and was quite inspired...I loved seeing the drawings of her design unfolding. Gabrielle was also one of the judges for the Quilt show.
Later Saturday night I attended Alex Anderson's trunk show...she is a hoot and a half to listen to. She's the kind of person I really wish I lived next door to - seems down to earth, sweet and really intelligent.
This is as far as I got on my Beaded Kaleidoscope in Nancy Eha's class. I was one of the faster beaders! I kept getting done with the rounds before she called time, so she would come by and show me how to do the next round...One thing almost tragic happened...in the process of setting up my bag the night before, somehow the prepared square to stitch on got misplaced...I was almost in a panic when the lady next to me said "I made two... one a little smaller than she asked for, but I brought it with me anyway and you can have it if you want" - Was I ever relieved!!!! A true 'Quilting Angel'. I gave her a nice fat quarter in exchange!

This is what the project sample looks like:

And here is Princess Suze wearing her 'tiara' in class...

Tuesday night:
Here is the progress on the beading. I have a minor problem - some of the embellishment beads are missing from the kit...so I may have to improvise if I cannot get them sent to me. Shoulda checked the kit more carefully before I left the classroom!

In other news:
This is picture of some of the 'Ugly Fabric Challenge' quilts for the Arizona Retreat I am going to next week. Mine is the smallish placemat sized quilt on the end...it was made ENTIRELY of the 1/2 yard of challenge fabric - including the back. Its name is 'Arizona Fever' for a couple of reasons...first, I had a pretty high fever when I put it together...and...I am in a fever to go to the retreat! All the quilts shown in the picture have the challenge fabric in them! They are hanging in Sally's Fabrics, an LQS in Phoenix, Arizona...the patrons are voting on their favorites...if you are in the area, stop by and have a look!

Look at what we had to start from! The ladies at Sally's picked the fabric for this year. Next year we are going to do a challenge, but not an 'Ugly Fabric' challenge!
Oh...and if you check out Melody's post for Tuesday Jan 23 - there is a picture of my class doing the Bodacious Bloomers...I am kinda hidden behind the lady in the pinky-salmon sweater who has her back to the camera - but that is ME there in the green sweater, auditioning fabric!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Report from the Road - The Road To California, That Is!
Went to help hang quilts at the Road to California Quilt Show. The preshow for the class participants usually starts at 7pm...At 4 there still were hundreds of quilts left to hang.
I was assigned to the $100,000 Quilt Challenge area - yes, I DID get to see (and touch) those magnificent quilts - up close and personal! Some incredible work...The crazy quilts are my personal favorites, but all of them are terrific. I can only dream of being that good!
It's usually sweaty business hanging quilts but this year since its been soooo cold here, we barely got warm. It took a couple of hours to hang the $100,000 Quilt Challenge display then they asked if we could hang some quilts out in this Quonset Hut tent that they put out at the south of the convention center - since it has been REALLY cold for So Cal and there is still a chance of rain, they moved all the eating areas inside which meant the second half of the Vendor Fair and some of the quilt collections had to move to the tent. Wednesday the heat was not on in the tent. We boogied into the tent, slapped the quilts onto poles, hung those puppies and boogied right back out o'there! Of course, we had a secondary reason for boogieing back out (besides frostbite!) - while they were taping the poles (that stabilizes them and keeps the patrons from fondling the quilts) one of the ladies helping leaned a weeee bit too hard on a pole...the Domino Effect worked quite nicely. We then had another 100 quilts to rehang - every available warm volunteer body was pressed into service to get the displays back up on the walls. This was a mere 10 minutes before the show was due to open...the natives were getting a little restless but we finally got the show open - just a little late!
The About.Com Quilting Forum has at least 3 members with quilts in the show. On Wednesday night we knew one of them had won one of the BIG prizes - the Judge's Special Merit Award -
November Fields by Gail: **

Here is that lovely ribbon! **

Here are the other forum member's quilts:
Kaleidoscope Twist by Birgit: **

Trinity by Birgit: **

Grace by Teri: - This was not a particularly good picture so I said I would go back and get a better one... **

Thursday -
I went back to take another picture of Teri's quilt and lo and behold...see the difference!!! There is a Blue First Place Ribbon on it now! **

This was the result of the first class that I took - Melody Johnson's Bodacious Bloomers class. I loved this class. She is a fun teacher! I used my new cordless iron and that was SOOO great to have no cord in the way. This entire piece is done by fusing - what looks like seams is fused too. Melody was so cute about that - she put two pieces of fabric on the ironing surface and told us to watch very, very carefully - she kind of tapped the iron onto the fabric then back off and said "That's a seam!" Mine is already fused to the Hobbs Heirloom batting - just needs a bit of quilting and the backing...and then its done!:

This is the beaded cell phone caddy from the second class that I took - its really magnificent in person! The ribbon gleams. I have to finish the fringe and the neck chain. I wore my 'tiara' and IT WORKS!!!! The teacher even joked about 'One not caring what one looks like as long as it works'....

Friday -
Today I took a class from Karen McTavish. She is a hoot! I had to go to the Vendor Fair and buy some Bottom Line thread so I can try out her technique. I actually drew a fairly close to McTavishing drawing (she recommends practicing on paper first). The class was a demo of her technique - they brought in a APQS Liberty Longarm and had a videographer focused on her quilting so we could all see on the overhead projection. I was surprised at how often she backtracks - way more than I thought...
More later...I have classes tomorrow and Sunday - right now I am taking a little time off to catch some more z's!
**pictures taken at Road to California Quilt Show
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
And a Tiara for Me TOO!
Monday, January 15, 2007
How NOT to Quilt a Quilt...

Started out with a 'good idea' or at least I THOUGHT it was a 'good idea'...
The Apple Quilt - the mystery quilt from last year's Arizona Quilting Retreat - was unfinished. They are doing a 'reveal' of the quilts from last year at this year's retreat in a couple of weeks. So..I thought I would 'finish it up' so I could show a finished quilt at the retreat since I was one of only a couple of us that actually finished sewing the top during last year's retreat. ..They already all saw it as a top!
When I came home from the retreat, my DM thought it looked kinda like a tablecloth..which I agreed with, once she said it. So I thought I would use a really thin batting so it 'could' be used as a tablecloth, should I so desire to do so sometime in the future. Also, a thin batting would make a nice couch quilt since we usually don't get really cold here (Unfortunately, the present weather system belies that though...it was 27 Saturday morning when I got up and with wind chill since its breezy, that translated to 20 degrees!!! This is So Cal, fergoodnessske!)
I settled on using the heavyweight flannel that WalMart sells for diapers. It has a nice hand, washes well, is definately thinner than Warm and White and is fair-to-middlin' cheap to boot. Hunted some down (first Wally World did not have any).
Washed, dried, cut the chunk in half and stitched it back together to make a piece large enough for the batting. Pieced the backing for the quilt out of the leftover apple fabric. And here is where I started to go wrong. I decided to 'birth' the quilt-mostly because I could not find any red fabric that matched the red in the quilt to bind it with and the other fabrics were just not right or I didn't have enough of them.
Sigh...'birthing' a quilt this big is disastrous! This is THE biggest quilt I have tackled so far. I did a couple of rows of top stitching after turning the quilt. That part went ok. Starting the interior quilting was nothing but an exercise in frustration. The backing and the flannel stayed in place since they were mostly un-pieced...but the top...it stretched, it buckled, it twisted...it went every which way but the right way. Next mistake was thinking it would 'quilt out' ...HAH...that made things worse. (and never make decisions like this when you are tired and its late and its dark out...) By light of morning I got out the seam ripper and tried to repair the damage.
Thinking that a little steam and some spray sizing would help, I hoisted the thing onto the ironing board and pinned it every couple of inches after steaming it within an inch of its very existence...by the time I was done with the pins (almost every pin I own, mind you)...it looked - well - ok, not splendid but ok. This thing has a mind of its own though. Started stitching..still buckling - even with the walking foot...so...I did the only thing you can do at this point and tried to get the buckles at the intersections...and went back over them the other direction to firmly plaster them into place. Not the prettiest solution...but..it is DONE...
I washed and dried it..and though its a 'train-wreak'...if I didn't tell you..you might not notice. I will see if anyone ever does! I love how a quilt gets to looking 'quilty' after its first washing!
And its pretty cozy after all...I have it on my lap to clip the miscellaneous thread ends...
I realize now that what I SHOULD have done is stitch the top to the flannel starting in the middle like you are supposed to, then done the birthing and left the back loose or maybe a few extra stitching lines...

Live, learn and do better on the next one...

----------On another subject--------------
The wind is blowing quite heavily here (30mph) - and its chilly still. I put the trash can out for trash pickup this morning...got back home and no trash can...either someone stole it or more likely it was last seen rolling away for parts unknown. We will have to call the trash company in the morning for a new one...they have numbers on them and someday it will turn up - the last time it took a couple of weeks for them to find the absconded-with trash can, but find it they did.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
A-Maze-ing Revealed

I added 'The A-Maze-ing Miss Bee' to the quilt to make it into a kind of 'interactive' quilt. The bee can be stuck to the quilt anywhere as she is made of felt which sticks to the flannel. Because the sticking is not foolproof (!), I made sure she would not get lost by using the perl cotton to attach her to the back of the quilt thru the flower.
Materials are cotton flannel for the background - the back is covered in the same flannel, black bias tape for the maze walls, felt and fleece for the bee and flower with perl cotton embroidery.
The back also has the information about the quilt printed on muslin and fused.

Sunday, January 07, 2007
Making Lemonade