
Sunday, November 13, 2005

The Artist's Way Check In - Week Two

1. Did my pages 6 out of 7 days...missed same day this week as last week...I think there is a trend here...Wednesdays are the hardest day to get into this stuff for me...its the middle of the week, I have to get up early to get to my office...will have to try harder this next week! Still not sure I am 'getting' the morning pages but I do seem to have a bit more energy after I do them...a slightly 'virtuous' feeling too...

2. Was annoyed a bit that I didn't have the camera for my walk in the park...but other than that, the artist date was great. Went to a different dollar store too...I just love dollar stores!

3. Issues - not anything really interesting...but I have noticed I am getting more obsessed with this process...

Task 6- Imaginary Lives:
From week 1:
  1. Ice Skater
  2. Acrobat in the circus
  3. Archaeologist
  4. A good witch that can do real magic
  5. Greeting card company owner

From this week:

  1. Famous chef
  2. Inventor
  3. Writer of books like the Harry Potter series
  4. Quilt pattern designer
  5. Architect

What I noticed about these two lists is that week one's were things I really wanted to do in high school...week two's are more what I would want to do as an adult...though I think the greeting cards still holds a lot of promise...


I dont' think I really know any true least not at this stage...there are people who occasionally are a bit crazy, but its not a constant thing. Scepticism is more of a barrier...I think I am just waiting for the 'magic' to happen...

Link to Debra's check-in post

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