
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Requiat in Pace, Ursus Maritimus

We laid to rest a good dog today. My DD's Champagne Lab, who was named 'Polar Bear' (Ursus Maritimus) because when we got him he looked just like a polar bear cub. He became a gentle giant of a dog. Oddly, for a purebred Labrador, he never did learn how to fetch. He will be missed. He will be waiting for my DD at the Rainbow Bridge...


Debra Dixon said...

Good Bye, Polar Bear. Look for your buddy, Hobbs, an English Pointer who couldn't retrieve anything either. You guys will be great buddies.

Pat/SWquilter said...

So sorry to hear that Suzen -- I have several cats waiting across the Rainbow Bridge myself so I know what a hole it makes in your life for awhile. Tell Polar Bear and Hobbs they can play with Ebony, Willow, Smoke & Cleo as well -- make some feline friends!

Rian said...

I'm sorry to hear about Polar Bear. It is so hard to lay our furry friends to rest. But he's running and playing like a puppy again with all his new friends at the rainbow bridge.

Jane Ann said...

Suzen, your daughter is lucky to have such a compassionate mom. Hope the tears are dried by now, but I'm sure you will "hear" him around the house for a while.

PaigeTurner said...

Yes, all of us who are pet lovers understand. I'm sure Polar Bear is frolicking with my long-lost pets, too: Princess, Buffy, Annie, Daisie and Opie. If you need a chuckle to cheer you up, visit my blog--I posted a story about how I got my current canine companion!
Beth (a.k.a. Paige Turner)