
Sunday, January 03, 2021

In Memorium

My Daddy passed away Mama is not expected to last more than another day. Theirs was a long and happy marriage - they married in 1952.  Unfortunately, COVID paid a visit to their house and they could not fight it off. 

Sis came down with symptoms first, got a COVID rapid response test and it lit up almost immediately. Sis was Mama and Daddy's primary caretaker. When COVID hit, she restricted the number of folks coming in to the house, but unfortunately, something got thru her gauntlet and infected first her, then my parents. Since both parents were on hospice care, there were a bunch of medical folks that came to assess and help with their care. They also had a caretaker come in for a few hours so if Sis had to do something out of the house, she scheduled it during that time. Sis did not actually go anywhere around any people since March when the first quarantine hit - mostly she drove her car for a few miles to keep the battery charged. What was the source of infection? We will probably never know. Not one of the medical staff seemed ill nor was reported to be later out with COVID.

Sis was still trying to care for my parents with a serious case of COVID - she had a bad headache, fever, body aches and stabbing sensations...and almost passed out every time she had to get up to care for either of them. The final straw was when the caretaker got COVID, leaving Sis to mange by herself. Her daughter came to help and we hope she does not come down with COVID. I would have tried to help out but I have back issues that would not let me shift either parent, I am immunocompromised and in the age range where bad COVID stuff is harder to fight off.

Their passing is not unexpected - they were over 90 and in poor enough health to be on hospice. It's just sad that this virus did them in. 

I owe a lot to my parents, not just for giving me life and a happy childhood, but for many other things, tangible and intangible. They gave me the best sister.

My Daddy made me many tools for my sewing room. Mama gave me the love of sewing and designing. They always encouraged my sewing endeavors and were genuinely impressed by my quilts.

Me as a baby with Mama and Daddy

I will miss them. A lot. My heart is broken at this point.

Saturday, January 02, 2021

New Year's Sewing (and Cooking!)

Starting to work on my New Year's goals!

One of my goals is to learn ruler work. So, off to the Amazon Shopping Mall to see what they offer...lo and behold, I found the Westalee folks DID create a version of the ruler foot for the Singer Slants!!! Oh my gosh...I ordered that so quick - cashed in a few gift cards and its on its way - should be here in a couple of weeks - I think it might have to come all the way from Australia! Now I should be able to use Jenny Lind to learn ruler work. Comes with the arc template and Stable Tape (I think that goes on the ruler to keep it from sliding- but I will know better once the package arrives.) Yippety Skippety!!!

So to keep busy until that arrives (waiting with bated breath!), I am working on the secret project for Retreat. 

Since I can't show that...I will show my Hoppin' John that I made for lunch!

It was delicious!

My variation has black eye peas, wild rice, diced tomatoes, a carrot, some celery, a can of mushrooms & chopped shallot cooked in chicken stock...seasoned with curry powder, garlic, parsley and rosemary...topped with fresh green onion...

Friday, January 01, 2021

Happy New Year - 2021!!


Happy New Year - 2021

The wedding was lovely, the bride was beautiful, my DS looked happy. It was a bit odd being a Zoom wedding...we watched on my phone but probably should have brought the computer in.

I made a cake for us to eat after a late lunch, in their honor - since you can't get cake thru Zoom!


2 tbs almond meal
2 tbs coconut flour
2 tbs Monkfruit sweetener
1 tsp Baking Powder
5 packets True Orange powder
2 eggs
1/2 c fresh or frozen cranberries, washed
cream cheese for frosting

mix all the dry ingredients in a Corning Ware French White ramekin (or use other small microwave safe bowl)
add eggs and mix to make batter
add cranberries and mix
microwave for 4 minutes
let cool for 10 minutes, turn out onto plate and frost with cream cheese if desired. The cake is pretty fragile so, I opted to just do the top.

Let us hope this is not the way the new year goes:

A few years ago, I posted about how my DH, G reacted to having Black Eye Peas for lunch on New Years day...(2012 Black Eye Peas)

I am making a combination of black eye peas and wild rice for lunch this year. Will be a kind of Hoppin' John, which I understand is field peas and white rice...but since black eye peas are related to field peas and, though wild rice is not actually 'rice', its a long grain, it is close enough and I bet that it will taste yummo.

Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Thirty One - 2021 Sewing Goals

Hey...I MADE it to Day 31! Posted every single day in December - whoohoo! 

I did find that hour yesterday to finish off the bowtie pillows for G and me. I used up almost all of the stuffing, so going to have to order a few more packages. It's nice to have them on hand when inspiration hits instead of having to wait for them to be delivered or...horrors...have to go into the store.

AND... I won at 'Bobbin Chicken' - Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Sewing/Quilting Goals for 2021

I want to finish some of my UFOs and not start so many new projects! (Shiny!)

Get a ruler foot and start practicing.


My DS is getting married today. We are watching via ZOOM - de rigueur for these Coronavirus days, I suppose!  I hope he and his bride will be very happy. They plan to have a re-dedication service sometime when the virus is either gone or under control, when we all can gather again.

I hope 2021 will be a way better year than 2020.

Tomorrow, Jan 1st,  at 12:01am it will be the first time EVER when hind sight will be 2020!

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge  

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Thirty - First 2021 Project (or Last 2020 Project)

I will finish making the neck pillows for G and me. But I might get to them before 2020 is done - we will see! I have the fabrics and the hand holds...just need a spare hour! 

I used this pattern - it really does sew up in 30 minutes. The longest parts are 1)finding the fabric and 2) stuffing the bowtie. I am not sure she mentions this in the instructions, but leave an opening the size of your hand so you can stuff it easier. The first one I made I ended up ripping out part of the seam to make it so I could reach inside the pillow.

30 Minute Bowtie Neck Pillow

bowtie neck pillow

Finishing the Coronavirus Challenge piece is also high on my list for 2021 - I doubt I will be done with it in 2020.

And I will work on my UFOs before I start a new project! (hahahaha....dunno if I can keep to that!)

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge  

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Nine - Latest Project

Hum...the prompt for today is Latest Project...I already covered my latest applique project in the post on what is On My Design Wall - the bowl of flowers and fruit, which needs an appropriate name (the instructor called hers 'For Anne') 'Still Life' or 'Bowl of Flowers and Fruit' seems a bit boring!

I do have some other projects but most of them I already covered as well. Except for the secret project for the Coronavirus Quilt Challenge for Retreat....but since its secret until Retreat in mid February, I can't show it to you until after! I can show you the fabric that we need to use somewhere in the project. 

Here are the rules for the Challenge:

Coronavirus Quilt Challenge 2021 Retreat

“Make me laugh or smile” 

With the doom and gloom of the coronavirus pandemic and being locked down in our homes for long periods of time, we have decided we need a challenge to make us laugh or smile. 

Rules will be as follows:

    1. Use the Fabric “Bamboo on Navy Blue” given out at the 2020 Retreat.  Use a sizable piece(s) so that we can recognize it.  (Thanks to Yetta for challenge fabric)   We do have a couple of fat quarters left.  So if you decide you want to take on the challenge you can email Kim to drop one in the mail to you.  
    2. Make a quilted wall-hanging (maximum size 30 X 30), quilted bag or quilted table runner.  

Think outside the block and add text as you like, pictures, art, embroidery, etc., the object is to create a challenge piece that makes the viewer laugh, giggle or at least smile.  Who’s been hoarding the toilet paper?  Remember to keep it clean!  

Inspiration or ideas could come from something you enjoyed doing, something you saw, a book you read or something you created during the shutdown.  

Challenge yourself to try a new to you technique. Maybe it’s paper piecing, appliqué, redwork or sewing a zipper in the bag you want to make.  Stretch those quilting wings! 

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge  

Monday, December 28, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Eight - Skill I Want to Improve

Prompt for today is Skill I Want to Improve. 

Ruler work. But first, I have to solve what machine that I have that could DO ruler work. I have no space for a long arm or a mid arm, so it will have to be one of the machines I already have. I can get the ruler foot for the short/low shank machines  - Elvie ( the Singer 15) is probably the only one that I could use, but I have no extension table for Elvie - probably would SWIM in Jenny Lind's extension table. And the throat area is a bit small - I could learn on Elvie and hope to get a bigger throat machine someday. 

And then I will have to invest in some rulers! I have enough to learn on. but it sure would be nice to get some of the fancy designs.

And I would like to get better on all Free Motion Quilting...not just Ruler Work. I need to banish some of the stuff that is living on my sewing table!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Seven - Techniques to Try

Today's prompt is techniques to try. I have more questions! Are these techniques 'I' would like to try? or are they techniques I have tried and want to pass on? I am going with 'Techniques I would like to try'.

One technique I would like to try is using my new SewTites to hold pieces while doing flat-back EPP.  I already have tried the clips with the flat-back stitch, but I need to try with these magnetic pieces to see if they hold better - or if the magnets just drag on the pieces. 

Susan Carlson's collage technique. I would love to have her Master Class. Or Emily Taylor's collage technique. I have read both these ladies blogs but have never done a fabric collage.

Susan Carlson

Emily Taylor

Some esoteric things it might be fun to try:

encaustic collage - but...I don't have enough workspace in my studio for hot wax. Maybe someday. 

alcohol inks - I have the inks and paper but my studio has carpeting and I have been loathe to even try this just in case it would get away from me. I suppose I could do this on the patio - will have to think about this.

Stained Glass - I probably don't have the strength to crack the glass anymore. So, I make do with stained glass style quilting.

Repairing a plaster carving - I have one of my grandfather's plaster carvings that has some minor damage that needs repairing. Would love to get that out of my studio and onto the wall. 

I would love to make a Moravian Star...I have the templates in a file, just need to print and sew. This one is so elegant! and I need that hanger too!

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge  

Saturday, December 26, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Six - Favorite Sewing Foot

Topic for today is my favorite sewing foot. Not sure I have one. 

I tend to use the general purpose zigzag foot on Jenny Lind (my main machine) most of the time. I do switch out to a hopping foot for free motion quilting (FMQ), but I cannot say that is a favorite foot - it's square and it squeaks and is a Pain In The Posterior to put on. I sometimes use the zipper foot, but can't say that is a favorite either.

On Aurora (the treadle), I have gone footless for FMQ- a bit dangerous but I only do it if I have use the Octi-hoops. But that IS fun! There was a guy named Tim Latimer that did FMQ on treadles that had a modified open toe foot, but I haven't seen him posting in a while - but gosh his work was splendid. I can't get an open toe foot for either Aurora (she has back clamps) or Jenny Lind (she is a slant shank) nor can I get a ruler foot - the folks at Westalee that make ruler feet for domestics have not found enough interest from the slant shank sewers to make it worth their while to produce one. Alis is a short shank, but trying to do ruler work with an hand crank just seems like it would take more hands than I have! I suppose I could try it on Elvie (model 15) - she needs a good spa day though before I can use her much.

I have a CurveMaster foot. That might be a favorite, but I don't do enough curved piecing. I suppose it could be used as a 1/4 inch foot, but, again, I don't do much real patchwork.

A pillow cover I made with the Curve Master foot:

 Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge  

Friday, December 25, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Five - Show Your Scraps


Scraps...there is a saying we quilters have. 'You should never leave two scraps together in the dark, they breed!'

I will never use up all my scraps - unless I wholesale stuffed 'em into a pillow form. But then I would be looking for that perfect piece of fabric and it would be nah, not going to stuff them!

We saw some of my scraps the other are more...they are breeding. I tend to group like scraps into a zipper bag - sometimes with a label on the bag but more often than not I don't.

Bottom of the scrap box

On the worktable

In the closet

On the side of the worktable

Top of the heap in the scrap box

I have a lot of scraps. This is only some of my scraps...hard to believe, but there are MORE.

 Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge   

Thursday, December 24, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Four - State of My Worktable

Oh dear...the state of my worktable is the topic for today. Yikes. It's in disarray!  

I can show you what it SHOULD look like - and did for a short time when my son first moved out and I snagged his room for my studio.

It hasn't looked like that for many a year! I keep acquiring more and more stuff!

Here is a peek at what it looks like today...If I have to cut something, I have to move piles. It would be nice to have a bigger workroom. I dream of an open area. Or I guess I could pitch some stuff, but sure as shooting, the day after I pitch the stuff, I would NEED it. 

My scraps have taken over. Will show those to you tomorrow. And maybe get some of it cleaned up!

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge   

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Three - Pre Wash or Not?

Oh...Pre Wash or Not - the greatest debate for quilters...not so much for sewers, since for sewing, you should ALWAYS wash so that shrinkage happens before you invest your time in sewing and fitting a garment. 

For quilters, it's kind of a toss-up. Some people have to wash every piece of fabric in their stash since the finishing chemicals bother them. But most of us will probably admit we don't always wash. 

You probably should not mix washed and unwashed though - that shrinkage problem can crop up and if you have unwashed and washed together, you will get an uneven surface...unless...that happens to be what you were going for in the first place.

Some colors need to be, dark blues and dark reds especially if the quilt has white or off white or even tan as part of the colors- there have been nasty surprises when the quilt is washed with crocking or bleeding. Always use a color catcher or two on the first wash of a quilt to help keep the loose dye from settling where it shouldn't.

Scrap quilts you probably can get away with not washing or even mixing washed and not washed since the scraps tend to be smaller.

If the fabric has an extra heavy sizing, I  wash it before use.  

You can get into trouble even steam pressing if the fabrics are not washed. Here is an applique project that I almost ruined steam pressing - the applique fabrics were not washed and horror of horrors, the dark pink on the blossom on the right bled into the pale blue background!! I had many a blue word to say about how stupid I was to steam this piece! Fortunately, I did not let it dry before I tried repairing. Repeated applications of water with a q-tip swab diluted the bleed until it was pretty much gone - I can still tell its there, but I doubt anyone else can. (Sweet Magnolias - Cathy Van Bruggen design) This wall hanging should never be washed!

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge  

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Two - What Do I Listen To/Watch

The answer to what do I listen to/watch depends on what else I am doing. 

The answer to that question for when I am sewing/quilting is..... nothing!

Sewing/quilting is a peaceful activity for me, and I don't need the distraction - though if I liked patchwork more, I could see having some tunes on to break up the monotony of repeating the same block over and over. But never whilst watching something...I don't have a TV or even a music playing device in the sewing room. And I don't usually sew in the living room where the TV lives.

If I did though, my tastes run to lovely melodies like the songs that Enya sings or classical music. I enjoy harp music and musicals. Pentatonix is also a favorite. Or The Piano Guys.

In the car, I listen to talk radio - I love talking back to the hosts and their guests!

However...I do crochet using buttons, perl cotton  and a teeny tiny crochet hook while listening to meetings! (Started when COVID this is my collection so far), At first I was just making plain button flowers, but I branched out to seeing what else I could make with a button center. So there is a blue bird, a mourning cloak butterfly, a monarch butterfly and a yellow butterfly, a rose, a sunflower and an amaryllis. And a few leaves, but I am less satisfied with them than the flowers.

I haven't decided just WHAT to do with these button flowers, bird and butterflies. I have not come up with the perfect background... the leaf fabric is not 'singing' to me. I am envisioning a vase or a garden. Originally, I thought about making them into statement necklaces. Might still do that.

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge 

Monday, December 21, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty One - Top 5 Gift Ideas

I am presuming my Top 5 Gift Ideas would be things I could sew? Or could they be things I would want as a sewer/quilter? What age group? and are they for adults or kids? I am just full of questions!

Anyway, I decided to go with things I have sewn.

Bags. I have tons of them, and have given away tons, but I still run out.


Mug rugs.

Neck or travel pillows. These dog-bone pillows are comfy.

Lap quilt. A bit more involved project, but doable. This one I made two pillows to go with the quilt. There is a handwarmer pouch hidden in the top squares.

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty - Proudest Achievement

This isn't so much just my achievement, but a collaboration between my Dad and me.

One day as I was trimming up a bunch of blocks, I wondered if there was a way to do the setup to trimming easier.

So I contacted my Dad and described what I wanted to make, and he made it for me. I named it a 'SquareUp'. First one he did out of plastic which was ok, but the pressure handle was kind of strange. The second one he made was out of wood and has a hand hold slot cut out so I could take it to class. We briefly thought about trying to sell these, but unless you were going to have them made in China in vast quantities, the price to produce one is prohibitive! So, I have the only two in existence! 

The arm folds up flat against the base. The cutting surface can rotate (or not, depending on how you set the levers) - it can go in one direction or in all directions!  

One year at Retreat, I picked up a set of plexiglass squares with a hole in one side for a ball chain. Those work well as the cutting edge.

This is how you line up a block. The arm puts pressure against the plexiglass holding the fabric - the dial on the top of the arm lets you put more fabric under the cutting form, if you wanted to cut multiples. You just have to whack off what sticks out!

Here is a block after trimming...

And a stack of trimmed vs untrimmed blocks!

My Dad and I work well together. He has made other items for my sewing room as well.. my Big Board ironing surface that fits over my ironing board, a collapsible hand quilting hoop and an extension table for my sewing machine for taking to class, Retreat and craft days. He unfortunately cannot do building projects anymore so I am very grateful to have these items.

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge

Saturday, December 19, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Nineteen - On My Design Wall


This is what is on my design board at the moment. The astute viewer will note the poppies are actually from the Martha Nordstrand class from eons ago. I got this notion a few nights ago and took the poppies off the wall to see if I would like them in this bowl and I really do! They have been waiting for a long time to get into a quilt! 

 Most of the rest of the design came from a class from Diane Kirkart - her pattern is called 'For Anne' and looks like this:

First change...didn't care for the black mine is a mottled tan. and I cut out the hundred or so pieces of fabric for the ferns, but I just did not want to make that many of the same thing over and over (the same issue I have with patchwork!)  So my bowl of flowers is a bit different than the pattern. The flower units are mostly the same, but arranged differently. The picture on mine is a bit foreshortened because not all of it is pinned to the board and I am hesitant to try to prop it up until I am sure the elements are not going to fall off! 

I am going to stick the appliques to the background with GlueBasteIt hopefully in a few days so I can work on it over the Christmas break. It will need some embroidery - the stamens on the amaryllis and the center on the big poppy and maybe some lines on the bowl. And I might add a butterfly or two... and I still think I need to darken the pink on the amaryllis a bit more...and the pears could use a bit of shaping with yellow.

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge

Friday, December 18, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Eighteen - 'If I Could Sew With...'

Who I really would like to sew with is my craft/sewing/quilting buddies AKA 'The Krafty Techs Guild'...but this blasted COVID virus is getting in the way. (Bad, Bad Virus...go away!) This is mostly the same ladies that go on the So Cal Quilter's Run together. I worked with two of the ladies who ended up working with another of the ladies and a couple of them are in a Dungeons and Dragons club and that is where some of the other members came from! There is one member who moved out of state that we miss a lot. Another just retired to Arizona which will make it a bit more difficult to all meet. Sigh.

We had a good thing going. We would meet usually monthly at one of the ladies' house. She inherited her childhood home when her Dad passed and remodeled it heavily to suit her needs...First she evicted all of the yard implements and other stuff normally in a garage to the back shed. Then she had the garage outfitted for a craft studio! She has a large table in the center where all of us could set up our machines and an industrial level power bar for us to plug into that comes down to the table from the ceiling. On nice days, we could raise the garage door and have a nice breeze and fresh air since she is kinda close to the ocean. All of the light colored furniture is on wheels so she can move stuff around to suit her whim and how many crafters are enjoying the area. We would have lunch on her patio and snacks on the kitchen counter. Her sister would make us tea.

Here is a view of the side of the studio...the piano did not fit anywhere else in the house, so it lives in the studio! Note the shiny floor - it was epoxy coated!

Here is a view towards the back of the studio...she later had a sliding door put in so there is cross ventilation. In this picture the lady in the back is beading, a couple of us are sewing and the gal that is standing is designing a CosPlay outfit for ComicCon. 

Here is the industrial power supply coming down from the ceiling.

This is one of my setups. I was sewing the 'Chicks in Red Shoes' at this craft day.

Chicks in Red Shoes

She has the neatest showers in her bathrooms. This is one...
And this is another..

And her kitchen floor is splendid too!

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge