
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Nine - Latest Project

Hum...the prompt for today is Latest Project...I already covered my latest applique project in the post on what is On My Design Wall - the bowl of flowers and fruit, which needs an appropriate name (the instructor called hers 'For Anne') 'Still Life' or 'Bowl of Flowers and Fruit' seems a bit boring!

I do have some other projects but most of them I already covered as well. Except for the secret project for the Coronavirus Quilt Challenge for Retreat....but since its secret until Retreat in mid February, I can't show it to you until after! I can show you the fabric that we need to use somewhere in the project. 

Here are the rules for the Challenge:

Coronavirus Quilt Challenge 2021 Retreat

“Make me laugh or smile” 

With the doom and gloom of the coronavirus pandemic and being locked down in our homes for long periods of time, we have decided we need a challenge to make us laugh or smile. 

Rules will be as follows:

    1. Use the Fabric “Bamboo on Navy Blue” given out at the 2020 Retreat.  Use a sizable piece(s) so that we can recognize it.  (Thanks to Yetta for challenge fabric)   We do have a couple of fat quarters left.  So if you decide you want to take on the challenge you can email Kim to drop one in the mail to you.  
    2. Make a quilted wall-hanging (maximum size 30 X 30), quilted bag or quilted table runner.  

Think outside the block and add text as you like, pictures, art, embroidery, etc., the object is to create a challenge piece that makes the viewer laugh, giggle or at least smile.  Who’s been hoarding the toilet paper?  Remember to keep it clean!  

Inspiration or ideas could come from something you enjoyed doing, something you saw, a book you read or something you created during the shutdown.  

Challenge yourself to try a new to you technique. Maybe it’s paper piecing, appliqué, redwork or sewing a zipper in the bag you want to make.  Stretch those quilting wings! 

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge  

1 comment:

Sewing Up A Storm said...

I have been dragging that ugly fabric around for a year now, back and forth between my house and the RV. I finally a few days ago started sketching the final plan (origional plan went out the window with the make me smile prompt........oh well) I do have a plan and hope to finalize the sketch and start transforming this fabric into something new. There is not much time left, but there is enough time as long as I stay on task!