
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

2020 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Two - What Do I Listen To/Watch

The answer to what do I listen to/watch depends on what else I am doing. 

The answer to that question for when I am sewing/quilting is..... nothing!

Sewing/quilting is a peaceful activity for me, and I don't need the distraction - though if I liked patchwork more, I could see having some tunes on to break up the monotony of repeating the same block over and over. But never whilst watching something...I don't have a TV or even a music playing device in the sewing room. And I don't usually sew in the living room where the TV lives.

If I did though, my tastes run to lovely melodies like the songs that Enya sings or classical music. I enjoy harp music and musicals. Pentatonix is also a favorite. Or The Piano Guys.

In the car, I listen to talk radio - I love talking back to the hosts and their guests!

However...I do crochet using buttons, perl cotton  and a teeny tiny crochet hook while listening to meetings! (Started when COVID this is my collection so far), At first I was just making plain button flowers, but I branched out to seeing what else I could make with a button center. So there is a blue bird, a mourning cloak butterfly, a monarch butterfly and a yellow butterfly, a rose, a sunflower and an amaryllis. And a few leaves, but I am less satisfied with them than the flowers.

I haven't decided just WHAT to do with these button flowers, bird and butterflies. I have not come up with the perfect background... the leaf fabric is not 'singing' to me. I am envisioning a vase or a garden. Originally, I thought about making them into statement necklaces. Might still do that.

Link to the Muppin Blog Writing Challenge 

1 comment:

Sewing Up A Storm said...

I love your button crochet flowers!